Once we Injure our bodies we tend to surrender to inactivity, with the belief that lack of movement equals less pain. Unfortunately, this keeps us from doing to very things we love to do that keep us young and active!

In truth, sometimes rest can in fact alleviate painful body issues, but many times these issues can be alleviated without
Inactivity, medications or surgery!

IRY is an alternative methodology that I have designed to pinpoint troubled areas of the body and treat them with a careful combination off massage and yoga. Muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue all have roles in our ability to move pain free and with ease.

In my career, I have worked with a variety of injuries that limit range of motion. These injuries include but are not limited to:

 – Frozen Shoulder

 – Tight and Replaced HIps

 – Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

 – Piriformis Syndrome

 – Neck and Shoulder Discomfort

I can help you understand what is creating your discomfort and work with you one on one, to find a way to reduce pain and move toward a new path to recovery.